Our property dispute resolution team is hugely experienced in advising a broad range of clients in all aspects of landlord and tenant matters.
Lease and tenancy issues are frequently amongst the most important issues that a business or other organization will have to deal with as such issues go to the heart of their ability to operate effectively.
Understanding the full terms of leases, and where landlords and tenants can exercise their rights can help to avoid costly disputes, particularly if you have moved your business to new premises and are focussed on expansion and change rather than legal niceties. We help to ensure disputes are settled appropriately.
We also act for (and sometimes against) mortgage lenders and high street banks, and are capable of handling volume repossession actions as well as high-end financial disputes.
Our experience covers the full range of issues including:
The team is experienced in handling litigation in all the specialist forums for property disputes. These include not only the High Court and the County Court, but also the Property Chamber (both First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal) and the Tribunal (Lands Chamber).
We also resolve disputes through mediation, expert determination and arbitration.
In line with the firm’s focus on innovative solutions, we have a long tradition of employing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods to solve disputes, and introduce this approach from the outset of a case where possible to seek to resolve the dispute before proceedings commence. With the increased costs of bringing proceedings through the courts, this approach is now more essential.